Welcome to Xenalicious's Xena Fan Fiction Page
Welcome to our humble abode of fan fiction, we hope you enjoy the show. At present, we each only have one story each to offer—both uber—but we hope to keep adding to those stories and creating more as time goes on.
Xenalicious’s Stories:
And what about the bards, you may be asking? Well, being the narcissistic young things that we are, we’ve been so kind as to create an info page on us. Aren’t we wonderful? So if you’re curious about just who these creative geniuses are, just follow the link:
If you just want to contact us, here ya go:
Well, due to a slight mistake made by the cute but not terribly computer-savvy Xenalicious, our counter was reset on January 7th, so when you look at the number, remember that it's actually 725 plus whatever's shown.
Thanks to Maxim and FHM for the pictures.
All creative work is copyrighted to Xenalicious and Reneegade, and cannot be reproduced without express permission. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.